Monday, June 15, 2015

Android Remove System Apps Without ROOT

ref :
, I am sure if your are reading this post then you want to remove the system apps which comes pre-installed with android smartphones which are not useful nor you used it. They just consume system memory. But you don't want to root your phone.

I have Micromax A57 which comes pre-installed with android apps which are not use full , like HookUp, an outdated version of Whatsapp and plenty of other stuff.

After searching for web to uninstall system apps without ROOT . I cannot find any single any relevant post most of the post say REMOVE SYSTEM APPS WITHOUT ROOT but they give information to remove system apps after ROOT only. So I decided to find my own way.And this trick worked

Let's get started

!! Warning this method has been tested with Micromax A57 !!

Tools Needed..
1. Android SDK . with updated platform tools
2.And your device.

Setup Environment.

1. Install Android SDK
2. Install you device driver
3. Enable USB debugging in your device.
4. Connect your device.

All set up.

1. Open command prompt. Click Start Menu->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt
     [NOTE] run command prompt as Administrator not necessarily required.
2. Navigate to your Android SDK-> platform-tools folder like
cd E:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20140321\platform-tools
3. Run command
adb devices -l
to ensure your device is connected.

4. If your device is not showing then your device is not connected properly.
5. Now run command
 adb root
   it will restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions
6. Next run
  adb remount
   It will remounts the /system and /vendor (if present) partitions on the device read-write
7. Now choose the application which you want to remove. Here i want to app namely "MiBuddy"
8. Run command  
adb shell 
    It will run remote shell interactively
9. Now # symbol will be visible in your comand prompt.
10. Next run
pm packages list -f
it will display the list of all the packages installed in your system with their path like


if you can't find your package name of your application then install 

System Info for Android

It will help you find your package name. just open app. Navigate to Apps Tab and click your application it will also display your .apk file name

11. Now if you got your .apk file name then lets move forward.
12. enusre adb shell is running
13. Run command
# cd system/app 
it will navigate to you app directory 

14. Next run      
  # ls            
     It will display list of packages. Now run
# rm <your-app-name>.apk
# rm miBuddy.apk 
   : It will delete app from your phone memory.

Now all done restart your phone, check  your application manager the app has been removed And you got your phone memory free.



  1. So let me understand this correctly. You were able to get root access via adb without actually having a rooted device? Everything thing that youve said from adb root to # rm miBuddy.apk requires root.

    1. Some roms grants root access without rooting the device. That's why he called adb root not adb su

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think you have root even know it. There is no ADB push command that would give root access. All ADB is written under JavaScript there's no JavaScript commands that has root. the root partition on Android is written totally different from your normal install files. FREE TRIAL EXPIREDyou cannot access that partition you can fastboot you can ATB you cannot access it unless you group the phone first. You got the you must unlock the bootloader. You must enable USB debugging. R U going to break your phone
